Welcome to S.B Link Network Pvt Ltd. Browse our website to find out more about us & our services, features and benefits.


About Us

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Our Mission

We aim to simplify telecom services, making them accessible and user-friendly for individuals from all walks of life while upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct in all our operations to provide cutting-edge infrastructure, seamless, high-quality, reliable, and affordable services to underserved communities, individuals and businesses to enhance their lives and operations.

Our Goal

Going Paperless in 2023

As a company that values sustainability, innovation, and efficiency, we are excited to announce our goal of going paperless by the end of this calendar year. This means that we will reduce our paper consumption and waste to the minimum possible, and switch to digital alternatives for our documents, records, invoices, contracts, and other forms of communication.

Why Go Paperless?

Going paperless has multiple benefits for our country, our customers, and the environment. Some of these benefits are:

  1. Saving Import money on paper, printing, storage, and disposal costs
  2. Improving the security and privacy of our data and information
  3. Enhancing collaboration and productivity among our teams and partners
  4. Reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact
  5. Increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering faster, easier, and more convenient services

How to Go Paperless?

To achieve our goal of going paperless, we will implement several measures and strategies throughout the year. Some of these measures are:

  1. Encouraging online payments and billing for our customers and suppliers
  2. Adopting cloud-based platforms and software for storing, sharing, and managing our documents
  3. Using electronic signatures and digital forms for signing and filling out documents
  4. Promoting paperless communication and marketing through email, social media, and webinars
  5. Educating and training our staff on how to use paperless tools and systems

What Can You Do to Help?

We invite you to join us in this paperless journey and support us in making this transition as smooth and successful as possible. You can help us by:

  1. Using online banking or mobile wallets for making payments or transfers
  2. Updating your contact details and preferences on our website or app
  3. Opting for electronic statements, invoices, and receipts whenever possible
  4. Sharing your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our paperless services

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work towards this important goal. Together, we can make a positive difference for our country, customers, and the planet.

Telecom Industry

The telecom industry in Pakistan is one of the most significant and dynamic sectors. It plays a vital role in financial, social, and technological development while contributing to science, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It provides essential infrastructure, services, and applications that enable businesses and consumers to communicate, trade, and access information. The telecom sector also supports millions of jobs, both directly and indirectly.

This industry is a key enabler of social inclusion and empowerment. It helps to bridge the digital divide and reduce inequalities among different groups and communities. It also facilitates access to education, health care, public services, and civic participation. The industry also enables other sectors such as e-commerce, smart home, and digital payments to grow and thrive. The industry also has immense potential to grow further and contribute more to the country's development and prosperity.


Mr. Muhammad Bilal

Mrs. Misbah Arshad

Mr. Abdul Rehman


C.E.O. Mr. Muhammad Bilal

CEO Message

"Dear Colleagues,

I want to take this opportunity to reflect on our achievements and challenges in the past year and share our vision and goals for the future.

Despite the challenges, We have increased our revenue, market share, and customer satisfaction. We have also invested in our infrastructure, network, and services to improve our quality, efficiency, and innovation. We have also launched new products and solutions like cloud computing and digital payments to diversify our portfolio and create value for our customers.

We should be proud of what we have accomplished, but we should not be complacent. We should always strive to improve, anticipate and adapt to the changing market conditions and customer demands.

To achieve our 2024 goal, I want your commitment, dedication, and collaboration. We have to work hard, work smart, and work together so we can embrace change, challenge ourselves, and learn new skills. We have to communicate effectively to serve our customers with passion, professionalism, and respect.

I am confident that with your support and contribution, we will overcome all challenges and seize any opportunity that comes our way.

Thank you for your hard work and loyalty. I wish you all a happy and prosperous year."

M.D Mrs. Hina Shahid

H.R.M. Mr. Tanveer Ahmed

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